CPAs in Canada: Recession Resilience
How recession-proof are CPA members in Canada? Canadian CPAs often perform essential functions, have diversified clients and industries. CPAs in Canada are generally well-positioned to avoid being impacted by a recession however consideration should still be given to the exact role or function being performed.

CFA: Should You Pursue it in Toronto?
CFA in Toronto: Should you pursue it? Consider the careers and relevant study topics, competition in the area, earnings, and study time. Pursuing the designation may be particularly beneficial to students and young professionals.

How Much do CPAs Earn in Vancouver in 2023?
How much do CPAs earn in Vancouver and across Canada in 2023? Annual salaries and earnings by years of experience from new grads to newly designated CPAs to experienced professionals. Median, mean and percentile salary and earnings data.

Is it Worth Paying CPA Canada Fees Yourself?
Is it worth paying for CPA Canada fees yourself? How to get your employer to pay for your CPA designation tuition fees?

Which Employers Pay for the CPA Canada Designation?
Will my employer pay for the CPA Canada designation and fees? Read about the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of various Canadian employers when it comes to reimbursing the CPA designation (tuition, study materials, time off, etc).

How Much Do CFA® Charterholders Earn in Toronto in 2023?
How much do CFA charterholders earn in Toronto in 2023? Average salary and bonus by years of experience, title, and seniority. Salary versus bonus breakdown for the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Ontario, Canada.

Tips for Changing Jobs Under Experience Verification Reporting Route (EVR – CPA Canada)
Tips and advice on things for CPA candidates to consider when switching jobs, as related to Practical Experience Reporting (PER) under the Experience Verification Route (EVR) for CPA Canada.

How Much do CPAs Earn in Toronto in 2023?
How much do CPAs earn in Toronto and across Canada in 2023? Annual salaries and earnings by years of experience from new grads to newly designated CPAs to experienced professionals. Median, mean and percentile salary and earnings data.

CFA Study Time: A Canadian’s Perspective
The truth behind CFA study time required for candidates graduating from a Canadian university.

Study Aids for CPA Canada - Do You Need Them?
Do you need extra study aids, materials, workshops, or tutoring, in order to pass CPA Canada Modules and CFE?

CPA Canada Experience Routes; Worth Switching?
Switching between CPA Canada’s Pre-Approved Program (PPR) and Experience Verification Route (EVR) for practical experience reporting? Read this for help, tips, and things to consider.