PERT Level 2: Examples vs. Coaching
CPA Canada candidates struggling with PERT have several options including coaching and PERT Level 2 Report Examples. These options are compared and disussed.

Is There Value in Passing the CFE Without Having Completed PERT? (CPA Canada Practical Experience)
Is there value in passing the CFE without completing PERT? Yes, passing the CFE is one of the strongest signals to employers in the Canadian job market that the candidate is committed to obtaining the CPA designation and a career in a related field.

Should You Pass the CFE Before Starting PERT? (CPA Canada Practical Experience)
Do candidates need to complete all of the educational requirements before focusing on the practical experience requirements? The answer to this question is resounding no. Canadian CPA candidates can pursue both streams of requirements at the same time. In fact, the program is designed in such a way that the educational (PEP) requirements are assumed to be completed part-time while working full-time, ideally, obtaining relevant practical experience towards PER.

Finance vs. Accounting Degree in Canada
Canadian students deciding between studying accounting or finance should consider topics such as the type and number of jobs available, their likelihood of success, the ability to swtich from one path to another (including CPA and CFA considerations), and their own drive and confidence to succeed.

How to Get a Head Start on PERT (Tips for CPA Canada Practical Experience)
7 Tips for students looking to get ahead in CPA PERT’s program, from education to planning your competencies, understanding PERT reports with example answers, templates, and guides for Level 2, and whether internships and co-op jobs count towards the CPA Canada Practical Experience Requirements, plus so much more!

Will I Lose PERT Progress if I Change Jobs? (EVR – CPA Canada)
Will CPA Candidates lose PERT progress by switching jobs in Experience Verification Route (EVR)? Competencies and proficiencies obtained do not get reset or lost when changing roles in CPA Canada. Consider how Level 1 and Level 2 proficiency can be obtained with new practical experience to satisfy core, breadth, and depth requirements.

Easiest PERT Level 2s for Technical Competencies (CPA Canada – Experience Verification Route)
Which PERT Level 2s are easiest to achieve when it comes to CPA Canada Technical Competencies? For candidates reporting under EVR (Experience Verification Route) the best bet is to keep things simple and report where one has the most experience and least competition.

How Long Does It Take to Complete PERT via EVR? (CPA Canada – Experience Verification Route)
How long does it take to finish PERT through EVR? Experience reporting is challenging for CPA Candidates in Canada and can easily take over the 30 month minimum to complete due to lack of relevant work experience, developing competency progression, work and personal commitments, and CPA mentorship and feedback.

Need Help with CPA PERT? You’re not Alone (CPA Canada)
Experience reporting (PERT) is challenging for CPA Candidates in Canada as help is required to navigate the tool, the time commitment, and the practical experience requirement (PER) report writing process.

Tips for Changing Jobs Under Experience Verification Reporting Route (EVR – CPA Canada)
Tips and advice on things for CPA candidates to consider when switching jobs, as related to Practical Experience Reporting (PER) under the Experience Verification Route (EVR) for CPA Canada.

Experience Verification Route (EVR): My Experience (CPA Canada – PERT)
My experience obtaining the CPA designation in Canada under the Experience Verification Route (EVR) and PERT.

Technical Competency Map Template (CPA Canada)
CPA Competency Map free Excel template to help candidates plan their technical competencies for the practical experience requirement portion of the CPA Canada journey.

The Importance of a Strong PERT Report (CPA Canada)
Given PERT experience reports are only submitted for CPA review every 6 months, weak reports may delay a candidate’s receipt of the CPA designation.