CPAs in Canada: Recession Resilience
How recession-proof are CPA members in Canada? Canadian CPAs often perform essential functions, have diversified clients and industries. CPAs in Canada are generally well-positioned to avoid being impacted by a recession however consideration should still be given to the exact role or function being performed.

CPA Breakup – Ontario Assures Continuity for Candidates
CPA Ontario is leaving CPA Canada - What does it mean for students, candidates, and existing CPAs? Read the email from CPA Ontario as well as the impact it may have on you.

CPA Breakup – Ontario and Quebec Leave CPA Canada
CPA Ontario and Quebec are leaving CPA Canada - What does it mean for students, candidates, and existing CPAs? Read the email from CPA Ontario, potential reasons for the departure, as well as the impact it may have on you.

How Long Does It Take to Complete PERT via EVR? (CPA Canada – Experience Verification Route)
How long does it take to finish PERT through EVR? Experience reporting is challenging for CPA Candidates in Canada and can easily take over the 30 month minimum to complete due to lack of relevant work experience, developing competency progression, work and personal commitments, and CPA mentorship and feedback.

Is it Worth Paying CPA Canada Fees Yourself?
Is it worth paying for CPA Canada fees yourself? How to get your employer to pay for your CPA designation tuition fees?

Which Employers Pay for the CPA Canada Designation?
Will my employer pay for the CPA Canada designation and fees? Read about the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of various Canadian employers when it comes to reimbursing the CPA designation (tuition, study materials, time off, etc).

Need Help with CPA PERT? You’re not Alone (CPA Canada)
Experience reporting (PERT) is challenging for CPA Candidates in Canada as help is required to navigate the tool, the time commitment, and the practical experience requirement (PER) report writing process.

Tips for Changing Jobs Under Experience Verification Reporting Route (EVR – CPA Canada)
Tips and advice on things for CPA candidates to consider when switching jobs, as related to Practical Experience Reporting (PER) under the Experience Verification Route (EVR) for CPA Canada.

4 Tips for CPA Practical Experience Reporting (CPA Canada – PER/PERT)
Tips, guides, and examples for CPA Practical Experience Reporting (Canada - PER / PERT) from Competency mapping to Level 2 proficiency reports.

Study Aids for CPA Canada - Do You Need Them?
Do you need extra study aids, materials, workshops, or tutoring, in order to pass CPA Canada Modules and CFE?

Experience Verification Route (EVR): My Experience (CPA Canada – PERT)
My experience obtaining the CPA designation in Canada under the Experience Verification Route (EVR) and PERT.

How Much Study Time to Become a CPA in Canada?
How many hours of study does it take to become a CPA in Canada? Study hour estimates are provided for each CPA PEP Module.