PERT Premium


PERT Premium offers guidance through the entire PERT journey - starting with a brief overview of the Experience Verification Route (EVR) process, followed by frameworks and example answers for both Technical and Enabling competencies to help guide candidates from Proficiency Levels 0-2.

PERT Premium offers great value as it covers the entire Practical Experience Reporting (PER) journey and is therefore highly recommended for candidates near the start of their experience reporting journey, particulary those reporting under the Experience Verification Route (EVR).

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PERT Premium offers guidance through the entire PERT journey - starting with a brief overview of the Experience Verification Route (EVR) process, followed by frameworks and example answers for both Technical and Enabling competencies to help guide candidates from Proficiency Levels 0-2.

PERT Premium offers great value as it covers the entire Practical Experience Reporting (PER) journey and is therefore highly recommended for candidates near the start of their experience reporting journey, particulary those reporting under the Experience Verification Route (EVR).

PERT Premium offers guidance through the entire PERT journey - starting with a brief overview of the Experience Verification Route (EVR) process, followed by frameworks and example answers for both Technical and Enabling competencies to help guide candidates from Proficiency Levels 0-2.

PERT Premium offers great value as it covers the entire Practical Experience Reporting (PER) journey and is therefore highly recommended for candidates near the start of their experience reporting journey, particulary those reporting under the Experience Verification Route (EVR).

PERT Premium: What’s Included

Expand the tables below for details of what this 63 page PDF includes.

Introduction to PERT

    • Pre-Approved Programs (PPR) vs. Experience Verification Route (EVR)

    • Employers and key differences in reporting

    • Competency map overview

    • Explanations of Core, Breadth, and Depth requirements

    • Several different examples of competency maps that satisfy CPA Canada requirements

    • Examples of Core, Breadth, and Depth requirements

    • The different expectations between Levels 0, Level 1, and Level 2 proficiency as defined by CPA Canada

    • How to self-assess Complexity, Circumstance, and Autonomy

PERT Report Writing

    • CPA candidates’ choices in terms of competency areas and sub-areas in which to report practical experience

    • CPA journey mapping

    • Showing progression through reporting

    • Jumping through proficiency levels

    • Other various tips

    • Helpful highlights and explanations of what type of information to include in your reports and why


PERT Report Examples (Technical Competencies)

    • 3 fully written technical competency experience example answers/reports for Level 0 proficiency

    • 3 fully written technical competency experience example answers/reports for Level 1 proficiency

    • 5 fully written technical competency experience example answers/reports for Level 2 proficiency

    • At least one full example for each of the below competency areas:

      • Financial Reporting (FR)

      • Management Accounting (MA)

      • Finance (FN)

      • Strategy & Governance (SG)

    • Each of the technical competency experience report examples provided is a real-life submission which has been CPA-reviewed and approved as sufficient for the corresponding proficiency level (0, 1, or 2)

    • Note that minor changes were made to the reports to protect sensitive information

    • Plagiarism is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and will result in a candidate’s removal from the CPA program. Only use the reports as a reference

  • For each example report provided:

    • The best template/layout for formulating your experience reports

    • Mapping of the example answer to the competency prompts/questions

    • Explanations and analysis of how and why the example satisfies the CPA-reviewer criteria

PERT Report Examples (Enabling Competencies)

    • 2 fully written enabling competency experience example answers/reports for Level 0 proficiency

    • 2 fully written enabling competency example experience answers/reports for Level 1 proficiency

    • 3 fully written enabling competency example experience answers/reports for Level 2 proficiency

    • Each of the enabling competency report examples provided is a real-life submission which has been CPA-reviewed and approved as sufficient for the corresponding proficiency level (0, 1, or 2)

    • Note that minor changes were made to the reports to protect sensitive information

    • Plagiarism is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN and will result in a candidate’s removal from the CPA program. Only use the reports as a reference

  • For each example report provided:

    • The best template/layout for formulating your experience reports

    • Mapping of the example answer to the competency prompts/questions

    • Explanations and analysis of how and why the example satisfies the CPA-reviewer criteria

“The fact that the examples provided in the guide are real-life CPA-reviewed and approved experience reports makes the Chartered Perspectivbe PERT guides an invaluable resource. My only regret is not buying PERT Advanced sooner.”

- Steven D. (PERT Advanced Customer)

Is PERT Premium Right For You?

PERT Premium is designed for current and prospective CPA candidates who are at the beginning or middle of their CPA practical experience journey and are looking for a smooth experience from Day 1 through obtaining the CPA designation. PERT Premium is particularly recommended for those who are:

  • Looking to strengthen their understanding of CPA Canada’s practical experience requirements

  • Confused by CPA Canada’s Practical Experience Reporting Tool (PERT)

  • Beginning to report their practical experience, or are part-way through the practical experience requirements, or

  • Looking for assistance with upgrading Level 0 proficiencies into Level 1s and then Level 2s (for both technical and enabling competencies)

CPA candidates who are just starting the practical experience reporting journey and want only an entry-level overview of the process should turn to the PERT Basic guide instead.

For candidates looking for guidance with strictly achieving Level 2 proficiency, Chartered Perspective is pleased to offer the PERT Advanced guide. Please visit the Store to browse the products in more detail.


Proudly assisting 100+ Canadian CPA candidates each year in achieving the PERT requirements.



What’s Included (Simple text description)

This 63 page PDF includes:

Introduction to PERT

  • Routes to Qualifying Practical Experience

    • Pre-Approved Programs (PPR) vs. Experience Verification Route (EVR)

    • Employers and key differences in reporting

  • Competency Areas & Requirements

    • Competency map overview and explanation

    • Explanations of Core, Breadth, and Depth requirements

  • Competency Requirement Examples

    • Several different examples of competency maps that satisfy CPA Canada requirements

    • Examples of Core, Breadth, and Depth requirements

  • Proficiency Levels

    • The different expectations between Levels 0, Level 1, and Level 2

    • How to self-assess Complexity, Circumstance, and Autonomy

PERT Report Writing

  • Practical Experience Requirement Guide

  • Experience Report Writing Tips

PERT Report Examples

  • Level 0 Examples

    • Technical Competencies (3 examples)

    • Enabling Competencies (2 examples)

  • Level 1 Examples

    • Technical Competencies (3 examples)

    • Enabling Competencies (2 examples)

  • Level 2 Examples

    • Technical Competencies (5 examples)

      • Includes at least one example in each of the following competency areas: Financial Reporting, Management Accounting, Finance, and Strategy & Governance

    • Enabling Competencies (3 examples)

  • For each example, the guide includes:

    • The best template/layout for formulating reports

    • Mapping of the example answer to the competency prompts/questions

    • Explanations and analysis of how and why the example satisfies the CPA-reviewer criteria

    • Helpful notes and highlights of key information to include in your response

  • Note that the example answers are real life CPA-assessed Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2 reports

    • Some minor details were tweaked to respect sensitive information

Please note this guide is not affiliated or endorsed by CPA Canada or any provincial body in any way and is merely a guide put together based on my own experiences. Usage of the guide does not guarantee any results. The guide is for personal use only and not to be shared or sold.